
Soulager naturellement les petits bobos des enfants cet été

Naturally relieve children's minor ailments this summer

Summer is a time for outdoor adventures for kids. However, with the fun of summer activities comes the risk of bug bites, sunburns, and scrapes. While these little ailments are usually nothing to worry about, they can make your child uncomfortable. In this article, we'll take you through …

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Les essentiels d’été pour des déplacements en famille réussis !

Summer essentials for successful family trips!

Summer vacation is an exciting time for families with young children. Whether you’re planning a beach trip, a camping getaway, or a visit to relatives, it’s essential to pack certain essentials to ensure your travels and moments go smoothly and with less hassle.

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Préparer son enfant unique à l'arrivée d'un deuxième enfant

Preparing your only child for the arrival of a second child

Have you just learned that you are going to be parents for the second time? First of all, congratulations on this happy news! For you, this will not be a completely unknown step since you already have a child. However, it will be a new experience for your only child who will obtain the title of big brother or …

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Accompagner son enfant dans la gestion de ses émotions et de son stress

Supporting your child in managing their emotions and stress

Anxiety is a more common disorder than you might think in children, especially at school age. This feeling of stress can affect behavior, mental health, academic performance, and even interpersonal relationships. The additional challenge that parents may face in this situation is that their children are not …

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Cuisiner en famille : comment impliquer les enfants dans la préparation des repas peut avoir des bénéfices sur leur développement

Cooking as a family: How involving children in meal preparation can benefit their development

The kitchen can be a magical place where you create delicious meals while spending quality time with your family. By involving your children in this activity, you can also contribute to their development in a meaningful way. From motor coordination to learning important life skills, the kitchen can be a place …

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Les essentiels du sac à couches par Béké-Bobo

Diaper bag essentials by Béké-Bobo

When you become a parent, you (VERY) quickly realize that a diaper bag is a great necessity. For a quick outing or a weekend away, there are several essentials to plan for leaving with peace of mind. If you are reading this, it is probably because you are a little like us: you have …

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6 astuces pour soulager naturellement la fièvre de bébé

6 Tips to Naturally Relieve Baby's Fever

Baby has a fever? This is not necessarily a reason to worry. In fact, it is a way for his body to defend itself and, if the fever is not too high (i.e., below 39 degrees Celsius), here are some tips that will help lower it naturally. Of course, if your child has a …

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Un vent nouveau

A new wind

The magic of New Year’s Day is that it always feels like a fresh start! Yes, it’s the first day of a new 365-day adventure. You never know what’s in store for you. It’s also a chance to look back and see how far you’ve come in the past year.

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10 astuces pour une période des fêtes sereine en tant que nouveau parent

10 Tips for a Peaceful Holiday Season as a New Parent

The holidays can be a stressful time in anyone's life — especially for new parents. Here are some mom tips for having a fun holiday season while maintaining your energy and balance. Tip #1: Find Balance as a Couple Life has changed this year, and at …

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Où j’en suis après 6 mois d’hospitalisation 🏥

Where I am after 6 months of hospitalization 🏥

They say that trials make us grow. I think I'm going to be very tall 😄! I've been in hospital for 6 months now, but I feel like it's coming to an end. I was allowed to spend a few weekends at home. It's very strange coming back after such a long absence. In the …

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Bientôt 5 mois d’hospitalisation…

Soon 5 months of hospitalization…

Days, weeks and months go by and I am still hospitalized. In a few days it will be 5 months. It is very long. I am lying down 22 hours a day. I am able to stand and walk with a walker without putting too much weight on my right leg for a short distance. The last month …

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10 astuces de maman pour bien vivre la rentrée scolaire !

10 mom tips for getting through the back-to-school season!

Back to school is already behind us and many of us are having trouble adjusting to a new hectic pace, not to mention COVID, stomach bugs, colds, and lice that add to the already busy routine of tired parents! To survive this intense period, here are a few tips from a mom determined to keep …

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