Blog — Savourer l’enfance

Retour à la routine en douceur : Conseils pratiques pour les parents

Getting Back into Routine Smoothly: Practical Tips for Parents

Getting back into routine, whether it's back to school, the end of the holidays, or simply getting back into it after a break, can be a challenge for our children. But don't panic! With a few kind tips, getting back into routine can be done smoothly. Let's see together how to approach …

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Guide cadeaux bébés et enfants : idées pratiques et abordables

Baby and children's gift guide: practical and affordable ideas

A gift guide for babies and children with practical and affordable ideas, that's what we've prepared for you just in time for the holidays! We know that finding the perfect gift for the little ones in your life can sometimes be a challenge. Our list is sure to please budding little explorers. Here are our best suggestions for presents that combine fun and practicality.

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Activités à faire en famille durant l'automne et l'hiver

Activities to do with the family during fall and winter

As fall sets in and winter approaches, the magic of these seasons can truly shine when shared with family. The days are getting shorter, the leaves are falling, the snow is starting to cover the ground, and it’s the perfect time to create special moments with those you love most. In this article, …

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10 Idées pour développer la créativité des enfants

10 Ideas to Develop Children's Creativity

Creativity is a valuable skill that can greatly influence children’s development. It goes far beyond the ability to draw or play music; it also encompasses the ability to think imaginatively, solve problems innovatively, and express ideas in …

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Les essentiels d’été pour des déplacements en famille réussis !

Summer essentials for successful family trips!

Summer vacation is an exciting time for families with young children. Whether you’re planning a beach trip, a camping getaway, or a visit to relatives, it’s essential to pack certain essentials to ensure your travels and moments go smoothly and with less hassle.

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Préparer son enfant unique à l'arrivée d'un deuxième enfant

Preparing your only child for the arrival of a second child

Have you just learned that you are going to be parents for the second time? First of all, congratulations on this happy news! For you, this will not be a completely unknown step since you already have a child. However, it will be a new experience for your only child who will obtain the title of big brother or …

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Accompagner son enfant dans la gestion de ses émotions et de son stress

Supporting your child in managing their emotions and stress

Anxiety is a more common disorder than you might think in children, especially at school age. This feeling of stress can affect behavior, mental health, academic performance, and even interpersonal relationships. The additional challenge that parents may face in this situation is that their children are not …

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Cuisiner en famille : comment impliquer les enfants dans la préparation des repas peut avoir des bénéfices sur leur développement

Cooking as a family: How involving children in meal preparation can benefit their development

The kitchen can be a magical place where you create delicious meals while spending quality time with your family. By involving your children in this activity, you can also contribute to their development in a meaningful way. From motor coordination to learning important life skills, the kitchen can be a place …

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Petits oursons au beurre & au chocolat

Butter & chocolate little bear cookies

Because we are all spending a lot of time at home right now, here is a short recipe to share with the family, for a lot of fun little homemade snacks!  

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