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La santé physique et mentale des enfants est la raison d’être de Béké-Bobo

The physical and mental health of children is Béké-Bobo's raison d'être

Because the physical and mental health of children is the raison d'être of Béké-Bobo, we are proud to announce that we will be involved in the Fondation les Petits Trésors.  

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Sortir de sa zone de confort en 2016, une promesse tenue!

Breaking out of that comfort zone in 2016, a promise kept!

In December 2015, I promised myself I’d break out of my comfort zone. I’m not a natural risk-taker but I dared to try. 2016 was one of the best years for Béké-Bobo and for me. Many wonderful things were accomplished. It’s thanks to you, dear customers. Without your love for our company, we wouldn’t be here!

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