Back to school is already behind us and many of us are having trouble adapting to a new hectic pace, not to mention COVID, gastros, colds, lice that add to the already busy routine of tired parents! To survive this intense period, here are some little tips from a mom determined to keep smiling and stay zen 🙂
Tip 1: Stock up on ready-made meals
As in all pivotal periods of life, at home, I like to fill the fridge and freezer with ready-made meals to soften the routine when it is too intense or when it changes drastically… Like at the start of the school year! We are lucky to have a flexible schedule and to be able to pick the children up quite early in the evening, but I must say that we still always feel like we are running out of time! Being able to put a ready-made lasagna in the oven and top it off with a salad or raw vegetables means that I have more time to help the children with their routine when they get back from school, without having to juggle other tasks at the same time!
In the same vein, we also stock up on ready-made snacks for lunches at the beginning of the year... It's not the most eco-friendly thing to do, but as the year progresses, we replace disposable compotes with homemade compotes, packaged soft bars with a cooked version... Balance comes first!

Tip 2: Prioritize rest and sleep
To be ready to fight all the new little viruses and to adapt as best as possible to a pace that can be a little abrupt after 2 months of vacation, we also make sure to rest well. Exit the busy social life and the twelve thousand scheduled activities — the first weeks of school are dedicated to taming the new rhythm and recharging with family.
Tip 3: Do as much as possible the day before
To avoid being rushed (and stressed) in the morning before leaving for school, we try to accomplish as many things as possible the night before! For example, if your child needs a lunch, prepare it with him the night before and put the lunch box in the fridge. All that's left to do is put on an icepack and off you go! The same goes for the backpack and clothes - if everything is ready for the next day, we're much more likely to start the day off on the right foot 🙂
Tip 4: Treat yourself
Although it's easy to get caught up in a whirlwind of obligations, it's super important to take the time to integrate a bit of madness or sweetness into everyday life. Make way for creativity! An "aperitif" style meal is always a hit at our house, or twenty minutes spent riding our bikes before going home to take a bath. A snack in the bath also makes the little ones smile... It doesn't have to be complicated! We also plan to sit down as a family in the evening, even if it's super early, because everyone is tired. Sometimes, we don't all eat at the same time, but we all sit down together and share our back-to-school stories!

Tip 5: Clear your schedule
When kids go back to school, it can be tempting to fill your calendar with a ton of appointments or activities that you didn't have time to schedule during the summer. But, from experience, it's much wiser to wait 3-4 weeks for the routine to set in before getting started! Not only because your children may get sick at the beginning of the year, but also because they will be very tired and will need you more. Avoid frustration by planning to be very available during this adjustment period!
Tip 6: Cut or tie your hair
If you've ever been through the nightmare of lice, you probably won't get caught twice (or at least, you'll do everything you can to avoid them!). We have 4 boys, so we make sure to cut their hair short before school starts, and schedule regular haircuts throughout the school year. For girls, the best thing to do is tie their hair up (a braid works great!).
Tip 7: Lower your expectations
At our house, all the children participate in daily tasks: setting the table, cutting vegetables, emptying the dishwasher, folding the laundry, vacuuming… Daily life is a family affair! But, during this back-to-school period, we lower our expectations and give them a little “slack” during the week, so that they can focus on the essentials: eating well, being ready on time, leaving for school relaxed and going to bed early to recharge. Then, gradually, when the routine sets in, we slowly reintegrate a few tasks according to everyone’s schedule!

Tip 8: Have a homework kit on hand
If your kids are like mine, they will probably forget a lot of things at school at the beginning of the year. It’s quite an adjustment to learn a new rhythm, new methods and to get back into “student” mode after all! So to avoid getting caught out with homework, I have a “SOS Homework” box at home, which includes notebooks, loose sheets of paper, pencils, liquid paper, scissors and geometry materials, a calculator and anything else that could too easily be forgotten and prevent us from staying up to date with schoolwork. Needless to say, this box stays within reach, because it gets used quite often!
Tip 9: Stock up on vitamins and probiotics
At our place, when the seasons change and the weather plays tricks on us, we stock up on vitamins and probiotics to strengthen our immune system! Of course, it's not foolproof, but it gives me the impression that I'm putting all the odds on my side... And it can't hurt :).

Tip 10: Get out your Béké-Bobo!
The last thing we have at our house is to have our two therapeutic bears on duty, ready to serve! The first lives above the microwave and is very often heated to soothe a stomach ache or help a child relax before bed. The second lives in the freezer and is frequently taken out to soothe a new boo-boo. This week, we already had a scraped knee and a swollen lip! Our cold bear is also used to relieve nausea or headaches… Symptoms that we are no strangers to at this time of year!
And you, what are your tips for surviving the start of the school year? Share them with our community of parents by commenting on this article!